TECHNIQUE TRHEE-DIMENSIONAL PLANE Plastic-sculptural works of art that have three dimensions: Long, High and Depth; the Depth is limited among the wall or bottom surface and the first plane or surface of the Work, "Reliefs".
TECHNIQUE TRHEE-DIMENSIONAL OPEN Openly three-dimensional "sculptures", the depth is not limited by a bottom; they occupy places and own spaces, it can be circulated to its surroundings observing it in all its forms and profiles.
PICTORIAL TECHNIQUE Acrylic: painting where the water is the basic solvent, have more than enough surfaces like the wood or canvas. You work figurative realists the same as the sculptures. The elements daily "Pencils", they plows represented with specifies realism; the spectator is motivated to play them for to confirm the deceit among the reality of to hit object or represented through the painting.
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